Progressive fiction has dangerous consequences

Jan 15, 2025 at 07:00 am by Arthur-RB

Once again the presence of fire and brimstone on the west coast dominated the headlines of last week’s news cycle and I expect it will continue to do so for some time.

California’s Pacific Palisades fire has lead the headlines not only because of how profound and truly horrific the damage has been but also because of the gross incompetence of California’s leadership and its complete inability to take responsibility for the situations it has caused through foolish governance.

I won’t rehash all of the sins of California as they are simply too many to note, but I’m sure many of you have already heard the play-by-play of the things that have gone horrifically wrong.

From the mayor Karen Bass being in Africa, to stories of California’s insistence that its firefighters be a certain race, sexuality and gender, to the absolutely unforgivable sin of actually running out of water during a hellscape, there’s a novel’s worth of insanity to unpack.

Put simply, everything that could go wrong, did go wrong and then some, and it has primarily been because California has been run horribly for longer than I’ve been alive.

Just to be clear, I’m not one of these people who’ll tell you that if Ron DeSantis ran California and the state was blood red, no fire would ever touch its lush greens and affluent cities again.

What I will tell you is that it would have a been another run of the mill fire story because, for all their flaws, Republicans can usually be counted on to perform basic hazard mitigation practices that would have drastically decreased the impact of this event.

Unfortunately, like all blue cities, Democrats have created a dangerous utopian fiction about the world and its voters have accepted that delusion and effectively trapped themselves in a hellish state that is as resistant to change as Gotham City.

In California, voters are living within a fictional world where DEI practices, climate change activism, gender studies, soft on crime initiatives and the vast proliferation of sexual immorality are perfectly acceptable alternatives to true governance and preventative mitigation.

I don’t care how progressive you are, you still have to live in reality and in California that means sometimes telling tree huggers to shove it, regularly cleaning up forest floors, establishing new reservoirs and, this is the most important part, actually ensure there’s water inside to use in the event that God casts down the odd thunderbolt on your Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0 cities.

But all jokes aside, we are witnessing the utter tragedy of progressive fiction before our very eyes and even now some people don’t want to accept that that’s exactly why things are as bad as they are. But, except them they will, because no matter how much fiction you wrap yourself in, reality always has a way of reminding you that there are things greater and more destructive than utopian propaganda.

This is truly life-and-death stuff and the sooner Californians and indeed the rest of America wake up and realize just how destructive progressive values and priorities are, the safer we’ll all be.

There’s also something else that happened last week that I want to mention that also demonstrates just how nefarious and ultimately empty the leftist fiction truly is.

A few days ago President elect Trump and former President Barack Obama were observed having a cordial and almost jovial conversation during Jimmy Carter’s funeral. In a muted video, Trump appears to make Obama laugh, something that was unexpected considering the almost two decades of political bad blood between them. If you’re a normal person, you might come to the conclusion that perhaps politicians are no better than WWE wrestlers and that there is more than a little kayfabe going on at the top.

However if you’re a leftist, you’re likely to be completely blindsided by the very idea that your favorite wrestlers (ahem, politicians) might all be following Vince McMahon’s scripts behind the scenes.

Breakfast Club radio host Charlamagne the God is someone that just realized this and he was particularly critical of Obama.

“After you went so hard calling somebody a threat to democracy and calling somebody a fascist and now you’re just chummy chummy with the man?” Charlamagne huffed. “You told us he was a threat to democracy! To me, that’s just terrible political optics.”

And you know what, Charlemagne is correct. It is terrible optics precisely because Obama and other leftists have continually lied and overstated the dangers of Trump and the Republican Party in order to keep themselves in power and avoid criticism for their own excesses.

I cited Charlamagne as an example because he has become a true believer in the Democrat propaganda machine. He and so many others like him have foolishly bought into the fiction that Democrats have projected and completely changed their brands, ignored their own common sense, threw away their dignity and ruined their personal relationships because they bought into the insane rhetoric that Democrats insisted they take seriously.

Consider that you have people on MSNBC, particularly Joy Reid, telling folks that it was in their best interest to cut off their MAGA family members.

The sad part is, there is a whole contingent of the left-wing electorate that has long done just that and are completely unapologetic about it. I’m talking about the true believers, the true Kool-Aid drinkers, who honestly believed high-ranking Democrats when they called Trump the next Adolf Hitler and said that he was a threat to the American way of life.

In direct contrast to this noise, we all watched Kamala Harris preside over the swearing-in of Trump as the President-elect. It was an event that Harris and other Democrats touted as being particularly special because they peacefully transferred their power to the new administration in a way that was civil and the complete opposite of what happened during the capitol riots.

But here’s the thing, why should that be celebrated?

After all, if you truly believed that orange Hitler was going to come to power and, in the words of Conan the Barbarian, “crush his enemies, see them driven before him, and hear the lamentations of overweight pink haired activist women” everywhere, then a peaceful transfer is the last thing you’d champion.

And yet, in the fiction that the left has shamelessly created, they have convinced tens of millions to believe that the country was ending and that they should destroy the most important relationships in their lives in order to keep Democrats in power.

Just think about that.

Democrats have lied about your fellow citizens, and had no problem turning neighbor against neighbor, and parents against children, so that they could further rob them of their hard-earned money and continue to abuse everyone from on high.

It’s despicable and frankly criminal when you consider that this dishonest fiction, this malevolent style of governance, is directly what led to the incredible amount of loss and suffering that we see in the ashen remains of the Pacific Palisades neighborhood.

And for that, and the madness they’ve incited over the course of the last 20 years, there’s no forgiving them.

Sections: Opinion