NERSBA charts more renovation; more personnel

Jun 26, 2024 at 07:00 am by Arthur-RB

More renovations and improvements are coming down the pipe at The NERSBA Early College as its gears up to finally solve long running issues and add needed personnel in the months to come.

The first of these improvements involves the repair of the campus HVAC system that has been noto- riously unreliable for some time. According to Executive Director Hal Davis, HVAC woes have plagued the school for the last couple of years and efforts to repair and install more reliable equipment has been an ongoing endeavor.

“For the last couple of years we’ve had problems with heat in this middle section of the building,”

Davis explained. He went on to say that it is not uncommon to leave with the boiler seemingly working perfectly only to return to a cold building with the system exhibiting sounds such as “popping and spitting and everything else,” upon return.

“Air is getting into the lines somehow or another... We’re not sure how, where, why,” Davis said.

Up until this point, NERSBA has been enlisting the services of Piedmont Service Group to make minor repairs and maintenance updates to its systems.

“We have spent a lot of money with Piedmont Service Group about trying to make small repairs all along,” Davis said...

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