Plymouth kicks the can down the road on zoning changes

Dec 18, 2024 at 07:00 am by Mary-RB

Plymouth Town Council kicked the can down the road on proposed text amendments, leaving potential business owners wondering how to proceed during its regular meeting Monday evening, December 9.

This most recent quandary began in mid September, when the town’s planning board met to discuss three changes to the town’s zoning ordinance. One would make miniature golf courses a “permitted use” in the Central Business district, the second would add Recreational Vehicle Parks to the list of permitted uses in the Neighborhood Business District, and the third would add “short-term vacation rentals” as a permitted use in all residential districts.

While the recommendation from the planning board limits time at each campsite for the RV park to 14 days, “additional considerations” handed out by Mayor Brian Roth prior to Monday’s meeting would increase that to 180 days.

It notes that Cumberland County, “uses maximum 180 calendar days per year with not more than 90 days consecutive,” and Beaufort and Washington counties have no stay limit.

One difference is that the comparisons are counties, where the RV parks could be located in more rural settings, instead of in town limits...

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